Inspirit Education has as its primary to promote post secondary education and to increase the number of underrepresented, underserved, and often underprepared students entering and graduating from college with a minimum of a Bachelors Degree in the domestic U.S. and internationally
Underperforming schools and school corporations are our primary targets. Often underperforming does not mean under-qualified, it simply means that the stress and strain on their resources prohibit them from achieving the standards for which they are striving. Reaching out to this group allows Inspirit to reach our target students at the source.
Simply put, people make the difference in making the world a better place. Educating individuals creates a world were democracy and peace can prosper. Those who are well educated bring with them a broader understanding of the world, history, and skills to improve it. Those in the elite social classes have always understood the value of higher education and ensured their children have the best educational opportunities. Education is the essential mechanism for anyone to improve his or her own life. Inspirit Education believes EVERYONE should have that right, AND it is even more necessary for those less fortunate. Education gives those individuals a chance to improve their family and their community. We attribute the lack of educational attainment, as a critical cause to many of the negative issues that plague our target communities. The following reflects some, but not all the challenges facing our target communities.
  1. Teen Pregnancy
  2. Gang Violence
  3. Joblessness
  4. Drugs
  5. High Crime Rates
Education alone will not fix these problems, but preparing individuals, who grow up in these communities, with the proper tools will give them the opportunity to return and make a positive impact. While at the same time giving those same individuals an opportunity to advance into higher economic statuses.
Inspirit Education seeks collaborations with schools to reach out to their students. We design specific programs, events, and activities with the aim to improve and increase High School graduation rates, as well as college matriculation. Inspirit Education partners with Universities and community organization to utilize resources on campus to promote higher education to our target population. Inspirit Education utilizes public and private grants, individual giving, and fundraising campaigns to fund operations and programming.
Inspirit keeps a variety of matrices and monitors data to determine whether or not we are effectively making a difference.  
  • Number of participants registered in and utilizing our programs and services
  • Number of participants attending college as a % of services received
  • Number of Participants attending college expressed as a % of expenditures
  • Number of students in our programs that are “ready” for college as reflected by performance on college admissions test.
  • Total number of our participants actually completing college, within six years of completing high school and starting college.